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Stereopsis vision, Titmus- Stereo Fly TESTXülasə
Aim - to leam the meaning of the “Titmus-Stereo Fly” test for diagnosis of the stereoscopic vision in children.
Material and methods
The investigation included 110 children (220 eyes). From them 72 (65,4%) - boys, 38 (34,6%) - girls. The mean age was 3-12 years of old. All children before and after the surgery along with the standard ophthalmological investigations (visiometry, scioscopy, refractometry, pre- and post cycloplegia, tonometry, ophthalmoscopy) were subjected also to the measuring of strabismus angle by Hirshberg method, by prisms and by synoptophore. Very small children were examined with the help of the child’s autorefractometer “Plusoptix A-09”.
Children were divided into 3 groups. Test 4-dots and Titmus was conducted to all children:
Group 1 - Patients with normal binocular vision
Group 2 - Patients with the low strabismus angle (up to 15°)
Group 3 - Patients with the high strabismus angle (over 25°)
So, in the children with the normal binocular vision (group 1) we revealed the normal stereoptic vision in all images of FLY test. In 20% of children with the low strabismus angle the stereoptic violations were detected (up to 3000 seconds), in 40% of children the violations of mean degree, in 40% of children - disparant stereoviolation oflow degree.