
  • Qasımov E.M.
  • Həsənova R.M.
  • Həsənova N.A.

Açar sözlər:

Vision2020: Right to Sight, blindness, poor vision, invalidity



Aim – on the base of the programme “Vision-2020: Right to Sight” to reveal the cause of blindness and poor vision among children studding in the boarding-school for vision invalids, to group the diseases succumbing or not succumbing to treatment.

Material and methods
The material of investigation were 150 children at the age of 6-17 years from the boarding-school N5, Baku. Among them boys were 85 (56,7%), girls – 65 (43,3%). The anamnestic analysis was made. The visual acuity, examination of anterior and posterior segment of eye were defned in each child as well. There were revealed the causes of blindness and poor vision, the grouping of diseases succumbing or not succumbing to treatment.

Among 150 children in 64 (42,7%) we detected the blindness (visual acuity <0,05), in 56 (37,3%) – poor vision (visual acuity - >0,05 - <0,3), in 16 (10,7%) – normal vision (visual acuity <0,3), in 4 (2,7%) due to the mental defciency it wasn’t possible to defne the visual acuity. From them in 10 children we observed the unilateral defect of vision. From 64 blind children in 22 we defned the light perception, in 18 – hand movement infront of the face, in 24 – complete blindness. In 74% of children due to the poor vision we observed nystagmus, in 12% - strabismus.
The main causes of vision defects in children were such diseases as retinal dystrophy (36,24%), optic nerve atrophy (21, 14%), refraction violations (18, 12%), congenital cataract (18,12%), congenital glaucoma (14, 9,3%), corneal dystrophy (12, 8%), congenital ocular defects (11, 7,3%), retinopathy of premature (11, 7,3%), oculocutaneous albinism (7, 4,7%).
The least percent of blindness cause was due to trauma (1,3%). In 85 (56,7%) children with visual defects among the parents there were revealed the related marriages, the retinal dystrophy was the greater (18,7%). Besides, in the parents of 21 child (14%) we detected the visual defects.
In 28 (18,7%) children with diagnoses congenital cataract, glaucoma, corneal dystrophy the surgery was performed. The accompanying neurological disease was revealed in 12 (8%) examined children, and in 6 (4%) there was defect of hearing and speech. 28 (18,7%) children with visual defects were wearing the spectacles, 19 (12,7%) had spectacles but didn’t wear them. During the examination 14 patients were prescribed to wear spectacles, and 3 were recommended to keratoplasty.
So, at the result of the obtained data in 36,6% we’d revealed the diseases succumbing to treatment and in 63,4% - the diseases not succumbing to treatment.

The early diagnosis of premature children and children of younger age makes it feasible to reveal the ophthalmological and systemic diseases in time and also to ensure the proper medical aid. If it’s not possible to render the medical aid to patients, it is necessary to prevent the problem which is the cause of disease. The World Organization of Public Health insist upon the countries of worldwide to work together in order to remove the blindness. The level of education and culture of society is connected with vision. That’s why for the healthy, educated future it is necessary to remove the criteria which lead to the blindness and especially to prevent the relative marriages.


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