Açar sözlər:
anteroposterior axis (APA)Xülasə
Aim - is the effectiveness of early correction in children and adolescents.
Material and methods
The study included 30 children (60 eyes) who applied to the National Centre of Ophthalmology named after
acad. Zarifa Aliyevafor the period from 2016 to 2019. Of these 10 boys, 20 girls. The age of children ranged from
1 yearto 15 years. In 12 patients, the average age was 8.9 ±21.1 and in 18 - 6.44 ± 0.9 (p = 0.105). Patients were
divided into two groups: group 1-18 children (36 eyes) who used correction, group II - 12 children (24 eyes) who
did not use correction.
All patients underwent a standard examination - visometry, myoscopy under conditions of mydriasis,
ophthalmoscopy. Along with this examinations were also carried out on Plusoptix and IOL-master devices, the
Worth-4 point test, the Titmus test, the strabismus angle determination (using the Hirschberg method, prisms, and
synaptophore). In young children visual acuity was determined by Teller cards. The movement of the eyeballs was
determined in nine positions. Children were re-examined after 12 and 24 months. Statistical calculations were
performed using the SPSS-20 program.
According to the data obtained in 18 children (36 eyes) included in group I who used correction, the refraction
and PZO of the eye remained stable, visual acuity also remained stable or increased. In group II children, 12
patients (24 eyes) who did not use the correction showed changes in refractive indices - thetransition of hyperopia
and hyperopic astigmatism to myopia, an increase in the length of the APA and a decrease in visual acuity. In
children with mild hypermetropic astigmatism who benefited from correction, the development of myopia was not
observed as they grew older in the optical structures of the eye. Even if children have visual acuity of 0.9-1.0 and
there is astigmatism, the appointment of correction is necessary. At the same time, as the child grows older, the
optical structures of the eye remain stable.
All children aged 2-3 years should undergo examination on the Plusoptix A-09 apparatus and if necessary the
appointment of correction is mandatory.
Thus, according to studies early diagnosis and correction of vision in children can prevent the further
development and increase in the degree of myopia