Açar sözlər:
sarcoidosis, uveitis, optical coherence tomography, macula edemaXülasə
Sarcoidosis, being a multisystem inflammatory disease affects a number of organs and systems. This disease is
most common among people aged 20 to 50 years, especially among women. It is noted that living conditions play
a role in the formation of this disease. Although this disease has been known for many years, its etiology has not
yet been precisely defined. According to some sources, mycobacterium tuberculosis and rickettsia are involved
in the etiology of this disease, but this has not yet been fully proven. Since sarcoidosis does not have an exact
etiology, it does not have a complete specific treatment. Eye damage in sarcoidosis according to various authors is
observed in 30-70% of cases, uveitis, uveoretinitis, vitriitis, vasculitis, eyelids, optic nerve, orbit, lacrimal glands
and extraocular muscles develop. Atypical sarcoid uveitis is observed in 50-60% of cases - it is a granulomatous,
chronic, in most cases a bilateral (often asymmetrical) process.
The patient came to our clinic with complaints of blurred vision. A survey (visometry, biomicroscopy,
ophthalmoscopy, OCT, x-ray of the lungs, blood test) revealed the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. As a result of the
correct treatment the patient’s vision was restored.