Açar sözlər:
retinopathy of prematurity, low vision, blindnessXülasə
Aim – to identify the number of children who have lost visual function as a result of the outcome of ROP in Azerbaijan.
Materials and methods
The research was conducted among visually impaired children with disabilities, seeking to undergo a medical examination in the National Eye Center named after Zarifa Aliyeva from 2007 to 2016. Also conducted a survey of children enrolled in the Republican boarding school №5 for blind children.
Ranked among the visually impaired children with disabilities seeking to undergo a medical examination in the National Eye Center named after Zarifa Aliyeva from 2007 to 2016 were identifed 43 patients with a diagnosis of ROP. During the inspection, carried out in 2016 in the Republican boarding school №5 for blind children were examined 311 children, students grades 1-12. Among them identifed 9 children diagnosed with PH. it should be noted that the number of patients with this group of patients has increased in 2013-2016.
In recent years, due to the increase of scientifc and technical base of the neonatology service in Azerbaijan has increased the number of premature babyes with extremely low birth weight. This has resulted in increasing the incidence of ROP, as well as blindness and disability of body associated with this pathology. Timely screening and adequate treatment will reduce the incidence of disability due to the this disease.