Açar sözlər:
cerebralpalsy, eyepathologies, strabismus, related marriagesXülasə
Aim - to study the frequency of occurrence of eye diseases in children with cerebral palsy and to determine the causes of blindness and low vision.
Material and methods
The study was conducted among 110 children with cerebral palsy aged 1-17 years who applied to the National
Center for Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva and the Children's Rehabilitation Center operating
underthe Ministry ofLabor and Social Protection ofBaku forthe period 2016-2018.
Among 110 children, blindness was in 18 (16.3%), low vision - in 42 (38.1%), normal visual acuity - in 28
(25.4%). The examination revealed the following eye pathology: refractive error — 39 (29%), strabismus — 32
(35.4%), comeal dystrophy — 2 (1.8%), retinopathy of prematurity — 3 (2.7%), albinism skin and eyes -1 (0.9%),
retinal dystrophy - 3 (2.7%). A history of 25 (22.7%) children among the parents were related marriages, in 9 cases
(8.2%) parents had neurological abnormalities and 44 (40%) - injuries received during childbirth.
Cerebral palsy creates limitations in the daily life and self-government of the child. In addition, there is a visual
impairment and creates difficulties in understanding the environment. In this regard, the possible factors and
complications during pregnancy and childbirth, which cause cerebral palsy, should be eliminated. The main task
in this direction is to reduce the number of related marriages.