Açar sözlər:
retinopathy of prematurity, screening, blindness, laser coagulationXülasə
Aim - to evaluate the results of screening, diagnosis and treatment of children with the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) for the period of 2015-2019.
Material and methods
980 (1960 eyes) preterm infants weighting <2000 gr., born before the 35th week of gestation for the period from
January 2015 to July 2019 were examined. Children born at 22-27 weeks of gestation amounted to 196 (20%), at
28-32 weeks of gestation - 520 (53.1%), at 32 <week of gestation - 264 (26.9%). Children weighing 500-1000 gr.
were 181 (18.4%), 1000-1500 gr. - 421 (43%), 1500 gr. - 378 (38.6%).
Out of 980 examined children 250 (24%) revealed retinopathy of premature infants. Treatment was carried
out in 44 (18.7%) children, and the rest experienced spontaneous regression. Aggressive posterior retinopathy
(APROP) was detected in 15 children who received treatment. Of these 2 patients underwent laser coagulation
(LC), 38 - AntiVEGF, to 4 - combined treatment was prescribed (of which 2 patients received AntiVEGF + LK
2 times, 2 patients - AntiVEGF + LC - 1 time). All children experienced complete regression of retinopathy. The
study revealed that the youngest age was 6 months, the oldest - 3 years. Of the examined children strabismus
was revealed in 18 (40.9%), in 34 (77.3%) - refractive errors, in 1 (2.2%) - congenital cataract, in 2 (4.5%) -
nystagmus, in 4 (9.1%) - Tilted disc, in 1 (2.2%) - hemophthalmus.
Regression of retinopathy in children undergoing treatment shows that the most important prerequisite for
preventing pH is the timely detection and treatment of the disease. At the National Centre of Ophthalmology
named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva in this direction the created system for helping children born prematurely works.