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neonatal dacryocystitis, congenital impaction of the nasolacrimal canal, probingXülasə
Purpose. To learn the efficiacy of the dacryocystitis surgical treatment term in the neonatal period.
Material and methods
151 infants (172 eyes) who had received the treatment during a year in the National Ophthalmology Centre.
Out of them in 11 (7,3%) the process was complicated by the lacrymal tract phlegmon. From 151 infant 85 were
the girls, 66 - the boys.
In the age aspect the patients were presented as follows: less than 6 months of age - 122 (80,5%), elder than 6
moths - 29 (19,5%) infants. In 25 patients (1,6%) the process was bilateral.
The probing of the nasolacrymal canal was performed with anesthesia that made it feasible to prevent the
psychoemotional stress in infants. The treatment of the neonatal dacryocystitis have to be performed stage-by-stage beginning from the conservative
therapy. The optimal period of the lacrymal tract reconstruction is the five-months age of the child. The newborns with the dacryocystitis form the high risk group by the phlegmonous dacryocystitis development
and they need observation of an ophthalmologist.