Açar sözlər:
applanation tonometry, central comeal thickness, intraocular pressure, primary congenital glaucomaXülasə
Purpose: To compare central corneal thickness (CCT) in subjects with controlled primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) and nonglaucomatous subjects and to investigate the correlation between CCT and intraocular pressure (IOP) in the study population.
Materials and Methods
Twenty-three consecutive PCG cases with controlled IOP and no clinical evidence
of corneal edema comprised the study group. There was an interval of at least 2 months between last intraocular
surgery and inclusion in the study. Twenty-one subjects with strabismus or lacrimal drainage insufficiency who did
not have glaucoma or any history of intraocular surgery or ocular trauma comprised the control group. The control
group was age and sex-matched. Data from ultrasonic pachymetry and applanation tonometry were analyzed for
differences between groups. Correlation of the study parameters was investigated. A P-value less than 0,05 was
statistically significant.
Data from both eyes of subjects in the study group and control group were included in the original
analysis. Mean CCT was statistically significantly higher in the study group compared to the control group (589,42
± 53,44 pm vs. 556,14 ± 30,51 pm, respectively; P=0,001). There was a significant correlation between CCT and
IOP (r=0,63; P<0,0001). Similar statistically significant outcomes were observed when only one eye per subject
was used in a reanalysis of the data for the study and control groups.
Patients with PCG who had controlled IOP have statistically significantly thicker corneas than
nonglaucomatous age and sex-matched subjects The thicker cornea could significantly alter IOP measurement
with applanation tonometry. Pachymetry should be considered an essential part of the evaluation for PCG.