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Goldenhar’s syndrome, oculo-auriculo-vertebralsyndrome, epibulbardermoid, lipodermoidXülasə
Goldenhar syndrome is complex congenital anomaly which is characterized by eye, ear and spinal anomalies. Goldenhar syndrome was first described by American ophthalmologist Maurice Goldenhar (1924-2001). The frequency of occurence is 1 per 3000 5000 infants. The cause of Goldenhar Syndrome is mostly unknown. There is an abnormal first or second branchial arch development. Although most cases of Goldenhar Syndrome occur sporadically, autosomal recessive and dominant inheritance are described in literature. During goldenhar syndrome eye disorders like epibulbar dermoid, lipodermoid, ptosis, motility disorders, strabismus, anophtalmia, microphtalmia, eyelid mobility disorders, and coloboma are being observed. Moreover we can also observe anomalies in ear, spine and other inner organs and systems. During examination a patient is to be diagnosed based on the clinical symptomes. Being congenital developmental defect the syndrome is treated only simptomaticaly .