Açar sözlər:
senile cataracts, clinical manifestations, climatic features, effciacy of treatmentXülasə
Aim –to learn the clinical manifestations, the timeliness and effciency of the qualifed surgical aid to the senile cataract patients in region of Kur intermountain, Azerbaijan Republic
Material and methods
The research includes analysis of examination, treatment of 149 patients at the age of 49-90 years who had applied for the surgical treatment to the regional diagnostic centre with diagnosis in age-related cataract. There were 70 men (46,9 %) and 79 woman (53,1%). The methods of ophthalmological examinations: defnition of visual acuity, biomicroscopy, entoptic phenomena, perimetry, tonometry, ophthalmoscopy, USi (A, B methods), defnition of the nuclear density by Buratto method etc. Extracapsular extraction of cataract (EEC) by tunnel method was performed in 100 (67,11 %) eyes, sinustrabeculectomy on 10 (6,1 %), phacoemulsifcation (FE) on 49 (32,88 %) eyes (LAUREATTE, ALCON) iOL implantation was made on 148 (99,4%) eyes.
As compared with men, the women’s apply was higher. According to the age aspect, the patient at the age of 60- 69 years (46 persons) and 70-79 years were prevailing, rarely at the age 50-59 years (26 persons) and 80-90 years. Out of 149 patients the somatic status was burdened in 128 (85.9%) patients where the cardiovascular pathology hat dominated (69 patients 53.9%). The belated applying took place. So, the mature cataract was on 54 (86.2%) immature cortical cataract-on 24 (16.1%). Nuclear one in 38 (25.5%) eyes. On the twin eye the mature cataract was on 11 (7.3%), immature cortical cataract – on 55(39.9%), nuclear one – on 27 (18.1%) as compared with artiphacia on 35 (23.4%) eyes. The high pregnancy of pseudoexfoliative syndrome was revealed on both eyes: 58 (36.9%) and 56 (37.6%) on twin eye. The surgical treatment of cataract was performed: extracapsuler cataract extraction by tunnel method on 84(56.3%) eyes, sinustrabelectomy – on 10 (6.7%), phacoemulsifcation – on 49(32.8%), intracapsular – on 1 eye.
The high level of sun insolation distinguishes this region of Azerbaijan. Analyzing the character of pathology we note the belated apply of the oldest people for the surgical treatment of cataract that emphasizes the need of early detecting and surgical treatment.