Açar sözlər:
metastatic tumor of choroidea, uveal melanoma, chemotherapyXülasə
The most common type of choroid tumor is choroid melanoma and its metastatic tumor.
There are presented two clinical cases. Along with standard examination methods, patients were underwent
color fundus photography, optical coherence tomography and ultrasound.
Both patients were diagnosed with metastatic tumor choroiditis based on the findings inspections and the
collected anamnesis. Patients were advised to continue chemotherapy treatment at the National Cancer Center.
Metastatic vascular tumors should be included in the differential diagnosis when examining patients with
certain eye diseases, such as ophthalmic hypertension, iridocyclitis, exudative detachment of the retina and
unilateral exophthalmic syndrome. Clinical features of metastatic tumors and carefully collected anamnestic data
can help in early diagnosis. Early diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent blindness and pain associated with
secondary glaucoma and improve the quality of life of cancer patients.