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phacoemulsifcation, mathematical phacofraqmentation modelXülasə
Aim – depending on geometrical parameters according to the method of mathematical modeling prove and develop technology of optimum fragmentation of nucleus lens, determine the range of safe rotation of a cataractous lens in anterior and the posterior chamber of the eye.
Material and methods
Clinical research was conducted on 20 patients (20 eyes) with a senile cataract at the age of 51-85 years which had entered the department of cataract surgery of the National centre of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva. Visual acuity was from the correct projection of light to 0,06. The surgeries were performed on the “OERTLI” (Switzerland) phacoemulsifer “OS3” and “Catarex”.
Results and discussion
For the safe rotation in the anterior segment of the nucleus lens with a diameter of 6,0 mm - 0º there was established, 7,0 mm – 58 º, 9,0 mm – 18 º, 10,0 mm – 5º respectively. Cleavage of the nucleus lens with a diameter of 5,0 mm on 2 fragments, 6,0 and 7,0 mm – on 3 fragments, 8,0 – 4 fragments, 9,0 – 5 fragments, 10,0 – 6 fragments was considered suffcient. It was revealed that in the refection of ultrasound from viscoelastic and the viscoelastic-endothelium and in its passing through the protective layer 19,2-26,0% of intensity loses, and fragmentation of the emulsion to parts – 48,2%. Because of the loss of the impulse, as a result of interrelation with the circulating liquid 4-13% of intensity is lost. Along with reduction of the damaging effect of ultrasound on endothelium viscoelastic provides a nontraumatism of intra surgical manipulations.
Thus, the carried-out correlation analysis showed that the nucleus hardness, age of the patient, force and duration of action of ultrasound and volume of irrigation in the combined phacofragmentation plays a signifcant role in prevention of postoperative shortcomings of endothelium. Depending on geometrical parameters, the technology of optimum fragmentation of nucleus of the cataractous lens is determined by the principle of mathematical modeling, also in the anterior segment of the eye the range of safe rotation of the cataractous lens (space from the endothelium to the back capsule of the lens) there was established. The combined phacofragmentation method with phacoemulsifcation is atraumatic. The conducted complex researches make it feasible to recommend introduction to the clinical practice some interesting technical solutions and fnally help signifcantly improve the quality of treatment of the patients with this ocular pathology.