Açar sözlər:
corneal injury, ulcerXülasə
Aim - to conduct a clinical and laboratory assessment of patients with post-traumatic corneal ulcers.
Material and methods
The study included 30 patients with post-traumatic corneal ulcers who applied to the National Centre of
Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva for 2019. Of these 21 are men, 9 are women. The age of patients
ranged from 15 to 78 years. Of these, 8 people are residents of Baku, 22 - rural residents.
As a result of the treatment healing was observed in 28 patients. Despite conservative treatment in 1 patient
there was a total corneal abscess, the patient was offered biological coverage, but the patient refused the operation.
In 1 patient the biological coating was melted, evisceration was performed. It is worth noting that Proteus mirabilis
was found in a microbiological study of both patients. The study revealed that in these patients a foreign body was
removed from the iron without proper aseptic rules. As a result, patients have developed aggressive microflora that
cannot be treated.
The remaining patients showed higher rates and healing.
Proper clinical and lobarotor diagnostics and timely treatment of corneal ulcers can improve the quality of life
of patients and help them achieve significant results in the prevention of blindness and reduce disability due to
corneal clouding.