
  • Mustafayeva D.M.
  • Vəliyeva-Həsənzadə L.Y.



The statistic analysis of the etiopathogenetic picture of 650 patients with strabismus who had been admitted to
the department of refractive pathology and ophthalmoergonomics in 2007-2008 was performed. All patients were
subjected to visiometry, skiascopy, ophthalmoscopy, refractometry and nature of vision. The angle of strabismus
was determined by “Hirsberg” method and by synoptophore.
So, according the statistic analysis in 273 (42%) patients we observed the refractive violation, in 156 (24%)
- physical trauma, in 78 (12%) - intracranial pressure, in 39 (6%) - after convulsions, in 26 (4%) - infections
diseases in childhood inl3 (2%) - the disease was connected with the fear.
Out of 650 patients with strabismus in 471 (72,4%) patients the strabismus was hereditary (i.e. mother with 2
squint daughters, 2 sons, cousins etc.).
In 598 (92%) out of 650 patients we observed a concominant squint, in 58 (8%) - paralytic squint.
In 468 (72%) patients amblyopia was observed.
So, in the etiopathogenesis of strabismus some causes must be taken into consideration. These causes
simultaneously or separately may violate the binocular vision, refractive anomalies, weakening of visual acuity,
the state of the oculomotor apparatus). Each case must be considered individually.
The statistic analysis of the etiopathogenetic picture of 650 patients with strabismus who had been admitted to
the department of refractive pathology and ophthalmoergonomics in 2007-2008 was performed. All patients were
subjected to visiometry, skiascopy, ophthalmoscopy, refractometry and nature of vision. The angle of strabismus
was determined by “Hirsberg” method and by synoptophore.
So, according the statistic analysis in 273 (42%) patients we observed the refractive violation, in 156 (24%)
- physical trauma, in 78 (12%) - intracranial pressure, in 39 (6%) - after convulsions, in 26 (4%) - infections
diseases in childhood inl3 (2%) - the disease was connected with the fear.
Out of 650 patients with strabismus in 471 (72,4%) patients the strabismus was hereditary (i.e. mother with 2
squint daughters, 2 sons, cousins etc.).
In 598 (92%) out of 650 patients we observed a concominant squint, in 58 (8%) - paralytic squint.
In 468 (72%) patients amblyopia was observed.
So, in the etiopathogenesis of strabismus some causes must be taken into consideration. These causes
simultaneously or separately may violate the binocular vision, refractive anomalies, weakening of visual acuity,
the state of the oculomotor apparatus). Each case must be considered individually.


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Как цитировать

Mustafayeva D.M. and Vəliyeva-Həsənzadə L.Y. 2010. ÇƏPGÖZLÜYÜN ETİOPATOGENEZİNƏ DAİR. Azərbaycan Oftalmologiya Jurnalı. 3 (Jun. 2010), 34–37.