Açar sözlər:
traumatic cataract, trauma of organ of vision in childrenXülasə
Aim. To leam the epidemiological peculiarities of traumatic cataract in children in Azerbaijan Republic.
Material and methods
654 stationary and ambulatory disease histories of children, having been treated in the
department of organ of vision Pathology of children in the National Centre of Ophthalmology named after acad.
Zarifa Aliyeva since 2008-2012 years, were retrospectively analysed.
Results and discussions
The obtained results showed that injuries increase up to the older ages and frequency
of ocular traumas in boys are more than in girls. At the same time, investigations prove that traumatic cataract is
an actual problem in children, so it is observed in 27,7% of injuries. Researches show that great part of children
traumatic cataracts (39,8%) are accompanied by violation of the posterior capsule of the lens. In recent years, in-
time IOL implantation after traumatic cataracts surgical operations makes it feasible to get higher results.