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retinopathy of prematurityXülasə
In this article have given an analysis of investigation of materials of modem foreign literature and have been explained etiology, pathogenesis and risk factors of the ROP. Were used the clinical data of the ophthalmologic department of 9 EYLUL university hospital of Izmir, Turkey. The special organized group of ophthalmologist of National Ophthalmology Centre named after acad. Z.Aliyeva, talked from time to time with obstetrician-gynecologists and neonatologists, given information about the clinics, pathogenesis, risk factors, prognosis of the ROP For timely detection of the disease and providing high quality ophthalmic services, they are provided in several stages service. They also talks with the parents of the patients. For this, has prepared a special booklet. Based on this investigations we may conclude that, despite of technological progress, high scientific progress in neonatology, the increase of the premature infants, the risk of ROP grows day by day. That is why ROP is not diagnosed in time, may lead to the serious visual disturbances and may be the cause of legal problems. An ophthalmologist must timely detect and treat this disease.