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cataract, phacoemulsifcation, endothelial cells, perftoran, glicomenXülasə
Aim – to learn the infuence of the medicomentous preparations of perftoran and glicomen on the endothelium of cornea in the cataract phacoemulsifcation.
Material and methods
Clinical material included 60 patients at the age of 40-90 years. Male – 55%, female – 45%. Traditional ophthalmologic methods of investigations and also A/B-scan keratometry, refractometry, pachymetry, endothelial microscopy were performed.
The appreciation of endothelial cells state was made to all patients before and after the surgery. With the purpose of prophylaxis of the endothelial cells loss in cataract phacoemulsifcation 0,3-0,4 ml of perftoran was introduced to the anterior chamber of 30 patients (30 eyes) of the 1-st group and the same quantity of glicomen to 30 patients (30 eyes) of the 2-nd group. For the effective protection of endothelial cells the viscoelastics Viscoat and 5% solution of Metylcellulose were used. With the purpose of the endothelial cells loss the energy of ultrasound was decreased to 30-40%. Such protection had included the acceleration of the endothelial cellas regeneration processes that contributed to the maximal rehabilitation of visual acuity. These investigations of endothelial microscopy indicated that in both groups the endothelial cells loss was 300-500. The visual acuity in 92,5% of cases had completely rehabilitated for a short time, in 7,5% of patients the corneal edema had resolved during 3-5 days.
So, the clinical results indicated that in cataract phacoemulsifcation introduction of perftoran and glicomen to the anterior chamber promotes to the regeneration of endothelial cells. The nearest and distant results show the clinical signifcance of the given method. The method of the posterior phaco-fip used in the cataract surgery minimizes the intraocular complications, leads to the maximal rehabilitation of the visual acuity