Açar sözlər:
glaucoma, surgical treatment, Minimal Invasive Glaucoma SurgeryXülasə
In this review, we discuss the latest data on the current types, efectiveness, and indications as to the use of Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS). In this regard, the latest studies of many authors has been explored. MIGS has a number of advantages vs. traditional methods of glaucoma surgery (trabeculectomy and drainage implants). In particular, MİGS is characterized by less traumaticity, shorter duration of the operation, faster rehabilitation in the postoperative period. Alongside this, it is easier combined with phacoemulsifcation, and makes less damage to corneal, scleral and conjunctival tissues due to small incisions. These procedures are mainly performed in conjuction with phacoemulsifcation. At the same time, the conducted studies suggest that when comparing the level of IOP (intraocular pressure) after phacoemulsifcation and phacoemulsifcation combined with MIGS, in the latter case, a more signifcant decrease in IOP is observed. It is deemed appropriate to perform these operations in the early and moderate stages of glaucoma. Clinical trials have shown that MIGS procedures achieve a signifcant decrease in eye pressure over periods up to 24 months.