Açar sözlər:
keratoectasia, refractive disorders, irregular astigmatism, intrastromal ringsXülasə
Aim - to evaluate the functional results of the implantation of the intrastromal corneal segments “Keraring AS Proqressive Thickness” in keratoectasias.
Material and methods
Totally in the National Center of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva we implanted intrastromal
corneal segments “Keraring AS Proqressive Thickness” in 34 patients (39 eyes). The age ofpatients ranged from 14
to 42 years. Implants had a different thickness of 150/250,200/300 microns, clockwise and vice versa, 160 degrees
in length. Segments have the form of a microscopic prism with a base of 600 microns. Technique of implantation
of intrastromal Keraring segments: the operation was performed under local anaesthesia. After determining the
patient's visual axis by marking the light reflex with a femtosecond WaveLight FS 200 ALCON laser, a tunnel was
formed in the 4.5-7 mm zone. Segments were implanted in accordance with the nomogram.
In patients with the first stage of the disease, the value of comeal astigmatism decreased in 78.92% of cases
(from 3.57 ± 0.13 to 2.15 ± 0.25 diopters), in patients with the second stage - in 69.82% (4,85 ± 0.23 to 2.5 ± 0.25
dptr), with the third - in 61.4% (from 4.13 ± 0.21 to 2.58 ± 0.27 dptr).
Thus, the implantation of segments in keratoectasias allowed to increase visual acuity, reduce the optical power
of the cornea and corneal astigmatism. The best functional results were obtained in stage I-II of the disease.
Therefore, the implantation of the intrastromal corneal segments is desirable to carry out in the early stages of
ectasia, without waiting for a pronounced decrease in the biomechanical properties of the cornea.
Achieving optimal vision correction in patients with refractive errors was achieved due to the remodelling
effect of the segments on the ectasized cornea. Thus, the implantation of the intrastromal corneal segments of
“Keraring AS Proqressive Thickness” is technically simple, effective method oftreatment ofkeratoectasis, which
allows to correct ametropia associated with ectasia.