
  • Bədəlova N.N.
  • Məlikov A.M.

Açar sözlər:

irregular astigmatism, thin cornea, keratoconus, selection of special lenses



Aim - assessment of the visual function of patients with irregular astigmatism using non-surgical correction
method with the new generation EyeBrid silicone (LCS, Cane, France) contact lenses.

Materials and methods
This study was conducted among 34 patients (53 eyes) who were diagnosed with irregular astigmatism for one
year. Of these 21 men and 13 women. The average age of the patients was 29.55 ± 7 (17-51) years
Common examination methods: biomicroscopy, refractometry, keratotopography, correction of visual acuity
without correction and contact correction.
Patients were prescribed correction using EyeBrid silicone contact lenses (LCS, Cane France) (photo 1). 34
people used Eyebrid lenses for more than 10 hours a day.
Keratoconus was observed in 36 of 53 eyes (67.9%): keratoconus indices were calculated using the WaveLight®
Allegro Ocularzer (ALCON) apparatus based on the analysis of keratotopographic parameters of the cornea of
patients. Thus, 18 eyes (50%) had a 3rd degree of keratoconus, 11 eyes (30.5%) 2nd, and 7 eyes (19.4%) had 1st
degree of keratoconus.
Post-traumatic corneal scar was observed in 7 of 53 eyes (13.2%), post-infection scarring (severe keratitis) in 4 (7.5%), ectasia after LASIK in 3 (5.6%) and 3 (5, 6%). ectasia was observed after corneal transplantation.

Out of 53 eyes involved in the study 36 had keratoconus, 29 of which underwent corneal Cross linking,
intrastromal segments of the corneal ring were implanted in 4 eyes, 3 eyes underwent keratoplasty, and 17 eyes
(13.2%) post-traumatic corneal scarring ; (7.5%) post-infectious scarring (post-traumatic keratitis), 3 ectasias
(5.6%) after LASIK, and 3 (5.6%) ectasies after transplant) no more surgery was performed.
Research averages - refractometry, keratometry, cylindrical components, visual acuity without correction, and
with correction with EyeBrid lenses.
In 53 eyes an “ideal fit” was achieved in the position of the lens on the cornea.
It should be noted that the main complaint of patients with high irregular astigmatism especially after
implantation of corneal intrastromal rings - light scattering in the dark, was completely eliminated in 88% of
patients with contact correction.
Fundus examination revealed relatively normal fundus in 53 eyes.

Thus, the results show that the high degree of satisfaction of patients with high astigmatism and absolute visual
acuity make EyeBrid silicone contact lenses an effective way to correct irregular astigmatism.


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Как цитировать

Bədəlova N.N. and Məlikov A.M. 2019. İRREQULYAR ASTİQMATİZMİN QEYRİ-CƏRRAHİ KORREKSİYA ÜSULU. Azərbaycan Oftalmologiya Jurnalı. 30 (Dec. 2019), 3–8.

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