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keratoconus, corneal topographicparametersXülasə
Aim - to evaluate keratoconus with the Wavelight- Oculyzer (ALCON) and Pentacam (OCULUS) topography and its comparison with normal eyes.
Materials and methods
The study included 68 patients with keratoconus (72 eyes) aged 18 to 40 years old who have referred to the National Centre of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva during 2011-2014. The study was carried out on topographical parameters of cornea of patients with keratoconus. Obtained results were compared to the topographic parameters of 12 patients with emetropia (20 eyes), 47 patients with ametropia. Out of ametropia patients 10 were with hypermetropia (20 eyes), 14 - with myopia (28 eyes), 12 - with mixed astigmatism (24 eyes), 11 - with combined astigmatism (22 eyes). Excimer laser was conducted on 20 patients 10 of which were hypermetropic lasik (20 eyes) and 10 were myop lasik (20 eyes). All topographic studies have been conducted by Wavelight- Oculyzer (ALCON) and Pentacam (OCULUS).
Results and discussions
By comparison anterior and posterior keratometric parameters, astigmatism, asphericity, volume, thickness of cornea as well as volume and depth of anterior chamber have been obtained and evaluated. As a result of comparative analysis we had revealed of corneal parameters of patients with keratoconus with other refractive errors and emetropia significant differences of anterior and posterior keratometric parameters and asphericity.
Thus, while studying patients with keratoconus except the general keratometric parameters, we must take into account the parameters of posterior keratometry and aspericity of cornea should have also been taken into account.