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choroidal melanoma, recurrence of choroidal melanoma, melanoma recurrence following enucleationXülasə
Intraocular melanoma is a rare but potentially deadly malignant disease which may lead to the late recurrences, distant metastasis and even secondary melanoma. In the article there presented a clinical case of 69 years-old woman who had undergone the enucleation of left eye for a left ciliary body melanoma 10 years ago. 7 years later she developed the liver metastasis. She received metastasectomy and 7 cycles of temozolamid. Then the patient complaints about discomfort in left stump. There was detected hard yellow mass in the left conjunctiva which was the histopathologically proven to be melanoma recurrence. We conclude that a high index of suspicion should be maintained for distant and local metastasis of uveal melanoma even after years from initial treatment and cure of the disease.