Açar sözlər:
refractive surgery, excimer laser, cornea, tonometryXülasə
Purpose - to evaluate the Goldman tonometer and non-contact pneumotonometer after excimer laser surgery on the cornea.
Material and methods
The study included 20 patients (40 eyes) aged 20 to 40 years who were divided into two groups: group I -
20 eyes, where PRK was performed, group II - 20 eyes - LASIK. Before and after surgery, all patients underwent
visometry with / without correction, biomicroscopy, refractometry, Goldman tonometry and non-contact tonometry,
examination of the fundus, visual field, HRT or OCT and assessment of the cornea using WaveLight® ALLEGRO
Ocularzer ™ topography.
After excimer laser surgery false IOP indicators are clearly visible, which directly depend on the volume
of ablation on the cornea; the higher the degree of myopia, the greater the volume of ablation. As the volume of
ablation increases, the IOP difference in terms of the central thickness of the cornea also increases. In patients with
high myopia, the difference in IOP was significantly different after surgery: with PRK correction these indicators
are higher than with LASIC. In patients with myopia higher -6D after LASIC with a decrease in refraction, the IOP
level decreased by 4-6 mm Hg. This is due not only to thinning of the cornea, but also to a change in topography
and elasticity in the centre of the cornea.
Thus, the results obtained show that when measuring IOP errors in the indicators can depend not only on the
type of tonometer, but also on the biomechanical features of the cornea.