Açar sözlər:
cataract, irrigasion, phacoemulsificationXülasə
The supposed medicine (BSS) is a stable buffer solution, whose saline structure is approximate to the chamber
humour and has physiological value Ph (7,2-7,4). As a buffer substance, irrigation solution contains mono and
dual substituted sodium phosphate, which are components of a natural buffer mechanism of front camera moisture.
Additionally, it contains L-camosine, which is acting as an antioxidant and protector of biological membranes,
dextran and water-soluble derivatives of methyl cellulose, corresponding colloid osmotic agents, that prevent the
swelling of the cornea and aqueous buffer supporting the shell on the surface of cells. The structure of the solution
also includes heparin, which has expressed anti-inflammatory effect and glycosaminoglycans. All components
of the irrigation solution are stable and are able to withstand sterilization by autoclaving, without changing its
physical and chemical properties.