Açar sözlər:
diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, phacoemulsification, anti-VEGFXülasə
Aim - to evaluate the dynamics of the development of macular edema after phacoemulsification of cataract and IOL implantation in patients with diabetic retinopathy.
Material and methods
A retrospective study included 91 patient (100 eyes) with type II diabetes mellitus who applied to the Department
of Eye Complications of Diabetes Mellitus of the National Centre of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa
Aliyeva for the period from 2011 to 2018 regarding non-proliferative and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The
term of diabetes mellitus in patients was 5-20 years, among them 40 were men and 51 - women. The study
included patients who had not previously received laser treatment, intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF or steroids.
Patients with intraoperative complications were not included in the study.
All patients along with routine ophthalmological research methods before the surgery underwent determination
of the level of glucose and glycated HbAl in the blood.
Patients underwent statistical analysis of the dynamics of the central thickness of the retina according to the
visual acuity and OCT (Spektral, Cirrus HD OCT, Carl Zess, Germany) during dynamic observation before and
after surgery (1,3,6 months).
At the end of the observation period, a month after cataract surgery an increase in visual acuity was noted. On
the fundus, stabilization of signs of diabetic retinopathy was observed. The central retinal thickness after surgery
was 419,4±11,3 pm. After 3 months visual acuity was 0,69 ± 0,04, progression of signs of diabetic retinopathy
was observed on the fundus, as well as an increase in edema, solid exudates in the macula, and integration into
the foveolar zone. After 6 months visual acuity was 0,88 ± 0,05, while, accordingly, along with an increase in the
fundus of signs of diabetic retinopathy - hemorrhages, microaneurysms, intraretinal microvascular abnormalities,
an increase in signs of macular edema was also noted. With OCT at the sixth month the average central retinal
thickness was 503,6 ± 14,9 pm.
Patients with a history of diabetes who have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular
edema before surgery have a higher risk of developing macular edema within 3 months or more compared with
patients who have not been diagnosed with diabetic macular edema before surgery.