Açar sözlər:
pituitary, macroadenoma, suprasellar development, bitemporal hemianopsiaXülasə
Adenoma is one of the most wide spreaded intracranial neoplasms leading to the neuroophthalmic symptomatology. Expressivess of visual symptoms in macroadenoma of pituitary body depends on its size and duration. We must note that pituatary macroadenoma that is over the Turkish saddle has a tendency to the increase of distance over the Turkish saddle and may invade covernous sinuses and sphenoid sinuses as well. In diagnosis of pituatary body macroadenoma the routine ophthalmological, serological and radiological methods of examination are used. The clinical case of a patient with a pituatary macroadenoma was presented in this article. After removal of the pituatary macroadenoma the full rehabilitation of visual functions was observed.