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Sturge-Weber syndrome, glaucoma, hemangiomaXülasə
The article describes the clinical case of a patient with complications due to the late appeal to a doctor. A patient, born in 1997, appealed to the National Centre of Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva with low vision in both eyes. During the examination the glaucomatous changes in the optic disk in both eyes were detected.
As a result of the examinations the diagnosis was “OD – open-angle glaucoma of 3rd-4th stage; OS – openangle glaucoma of the 4th stage”. On the right eye there was performed OD – STEK + MMC operation. The visual acuity after the operation has not changed. Postoperative IOP was 16 mm Hg. The patient was under the dynamic observation. In the late postoperative period no complications were observed. Within 6 months IOP remained stable.
The results show that STEK + MMC is effective for young people with Sturge-Weber syndrome for long-term and maximum reduction of IOP.
The described clinical case shows the importance of timely examination, diagnosis and treatment of patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome.