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orbit, ray methodsXülasə
Aim - to summarize the experience of choosing a method of radiological research in diseases of the eye and orbit.
Material and methods
The basis of this work included an analysis of the methods of radiological diagnostics of 187 patients with
various orbital pathologies for 2012-2017. The work was performed on the basis of the National Centre of
Ophthalmology named after acad. Zarifa Aliyeva. Our study included 105 men and 82 women aged 3 to 88 years.
All patients under the standard methods and according to the indications were performed CT, MRI, X-ray and
ultrasound. Morphological verification of the diagnosis occurred in 35% of cases, clinical and laboratory - in 65%.
The results of the study are based on the analysis of radiological methods of examination of 187 patients over
the past 5 years. Using various methods of radiation diagnosis, the following diseases of the orbit were identified:
13 cases of orbit abscess, 12 cases of periorbital cellulitis, 12 cases of various types of pseudotumor, 32 cases
of endocrine ophthalmopathy, 14 cases of dacryadenitis, 9 cases of lacrimal gland cyst, 32 cases of dermoid
orbit cyst, 18 cases cholesteoma of the orbit, 1 case of meningioma, 5 cases of orbit hemangioma, 2 cases of
neurofibromatosis, 1 case of rhabdomyosarcoma, 27 cases of orbital wall fracture, 8 cases of orbital foreign bodies,
6 cases with anophthalmos.
The article presents 2 clinical cases of patients who were manipulated in orbit without radiological visualization
which led to the failure of the treatment.
Radiography of the orbits is shown in case of damage with a blunt object, penetrating wounds of the eyeball and
orbit, as well as for the purpose of detecting foreign bodies. It is possible to use ultrasound in intraocular lesions,
penetrating injuries, Doppler sonography - in inflammatory processes in order to study the state of the blood flow.
CT and MRI are complementary diagnostic methods and can be performed simultaneously.