Açar sözlər:
external dacryocystorhinostomy, subciliary incisionXülasə
Aim - to report the cosmetic outcomes of subciliary incision for external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR).
Material and Methods
29 patients at the age of 25-72 years were included in the study. Twenty nine eyes of 29 patients of external
DCR for chronic dacryocystitis was performed through the subciliary skin approach. Final cosmetic outcome (2-4
months) of the scin scar was evaluated by subjective grading of the scar by the patient and objective grading by the
physician using the scar grading scale: 0 - invisible scar; 1 - minimally visible scar; 2 - moderately visible scar;
3- very visible scar. The follow up visits were done over a period of3 months after surgery.
The surgery was easily performed in all patients with 96% functional success. At the final follow up objective
grading of the scar by the physician reported in 23 out of 27 patients (79%) scars to be invisible (grade 0) and
subjective grading of the scar by the patient reported in 27 cases (93%) - scars to be minimally visible (grade 1).
The subciliary approach significantly improves the cosmetic outcome while retaining functional success of an
external DCR.