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Floopy eyelidsyndrome, chronicpapillary conjunctivitis, obstructive sleep apnea syndromeXülasə
This paper is a report of the clinical characteristics and treatment of a case with floopy eyelid syndrome. A
51-year-old obese adult male presented with right ocular irritation and clinical findings consistent with floppy
eyelid syndrome. He had laxy upper eyelid with papillary conjunctivitis, conjunctival hyperemia, eyelash ptosis.
His symptoms had begun two years ago.
Patient history revealed hypertension and sleeping disturbance with unusual awakening, mimicking sleep
apnoea syndrome, possibly related to floppy eyelid syndrome. The patient was treated with tarsal wedge resection
of the affected upper eyelid. His complaints and symptoms were completely relieved following surgery and have
not recurred during one year follow up.
So, the timely diagnose will make it feasible to avoid the possible severe complications, and the performing of
surgical treatment will increase the quality of patient’s life.