Açar sözlər:
keratoconus, screening, subclinical keratoconusXülasə
Aim - to evaluate tomographic, topographic and aberrometric parameters in early keratoconic eyes with high visual acuity.
Material and methods
The study included 33 eyes with early stage of keratoconus and 40 healthy eyes, with visual acuity >20/30 and
20/20 (Snellen) and with a mean age of 20.19 ± 2.53, and 20.5 ± 2.95 years respectively. Scheimflug tomography
(Pentacam HR) examination and retinoskopy was performed for all participants. The Mann-Whitney U test was
used to compare the data between the groups.
As a result of a comparative analysis based on Scheimpflug tomography, even the eyes of the early stage
of keratoconus with high visual acuity significantly differed from normal eyes in tomographic, topographic and
aberrometric parameters exept mean keratometry, minimal radius of curvature, 2nd order horizontal coma and 2nd
order spherical aberration coefficient parameters. At the same time, a positive retinoscopic sign makes it possible
to screen the early stage of the disease in order to refer these patients to a more enhanced topographic examination.
Given that keratoconus progression is faster in adolescence and young persons, early screening and diagnosis of
the disease at this age is one of the main aim of modern ophthalmology.
Timely keratotopographic study is necessary for early detection of the disease at early stage, followed by
dynamic observation and saving visual acuity at this level. Corneal tomographic imaging is an excellent diagnostic
procedure for identifying early ectasia or even tomographic risk factors for postrefractive surgery ectasia.