Açar sözlər:
experiment, oil Seydana, general and local toleranceXülasə
Aim - to study the general and local tolerance oil Sadany in the experiment.
Material and methods
The study was conducted on 9 rabbits (18 eyes). Animals by randomization were divided into three equal
groups of 3 rabbits (6 eyes) each. The first group (experimental) received instillation of Eye drops of seidana
(dilution 1 to 5) by 2 drops (50 pi) 8 times a day in both eyes for 30 days. The second experimental group the same
pattern was obtained instillation of eye drops Sadany II (dilution 1: 10). The third group was a control group and
remained untreated.
The results of experimental and clinical observations and histological studies found that a daily six-fold
instaliranje eye drops Seydana I and Seydana II during the entire period of observation had no impact on weight,
mood, and General condition of the experimental group of animals throughout the observation period. Changes
in obesitological study receptor, accommodative, diopter-functional apparatus of the eyeball, also motor-
okoloplodnykh muscle and soft tissue was evaluated as a modulator-reactive. During the study abnormally high
intensive dystrophic, fibrous, destructive changes, cell infiltration, histological structures were not observed.
Microcirculation of the eyeball-drainage network, venous and lymphatic pockets in the current experiment can be
evaluated as "selective objects of the active substance".
Thus, the use of Seidana oil in the experiment had no effect on the General condition (weight, coat condition,
mood), no pathological changes and toxic-allergic effects on the membranes and tissues of the eye in both
experimental and control groups of experimental animals.