
  • Kərimov M.İ.
  • Əliyev X.D.
  • Əliyeva T.A.

Açar sözlər:

traumatic macular hole, optical coherence tomography



Aim - to evaluate morphostructural changes in traumatic macular holes by means of optical coherence tomography (OCT).

Material and methods
The results of examination of the 10 patients (10 eye) with a traumatic macular hole were used. Each patient was exposed to the following symptoms: the shape of the rupture edge with respect to the retinal pigment epithelium; presence of an epiretinal membrane, tangential and vitreomacular traction, non-refex cavities at the edges of the rupture, thickening of the retina around the rupture, as well as the presence of weak refex cavities beneath the layer of neural network. With the help of OCT, the minimum internal and maximum external diameters of the hole were measured.

The cause of the rupture in all patients was a blunt trauma to the eye. The macular hole was formed after a trauma for 7 months in seven patients and in 12 months in three patients. Five patients were diagnosed with a third degree of macular hole, in 3 patients - the second, and the other two - the fourth and ffth. A biomicroscopic study showed that in eight patients the macular hole was of a circular shape, and in the other two - the ellipsoidal. On OCT all patients showed a complete hole of the macula. Four patients had an epiretinal membrane, one intraurethral edema, two subretinal serous fuid, and fve cystic edema around the hole. The minimum internal diameter of the hole was 518 microns, the maximum - 1448 microns. In one of the patients, the frst type of traumatic macular hole was detected, in the three patients the second type, in the two patients the third, and in the 4 th group.

The study showed that OCT is an important and indispensable method in the diagnosis of traumatic macular hole and allows to identify the smallest changes that can not be detected during ophthalmoscopy in case of traumatic macular hole. With the help of optical coherence tomography, traumatic macular hole features are revealed. In addition OCT allows us to monitor the natural course of the traumatic macular holes without any intervention and choose the future treatment tactics – therapeutic or surgical.


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Как цитировать

Kərimov M.İ. et al. 2017. TRAVMATİK MAKULYAR YIRTIQLARIN OPTİK KOHERENS TOMOQRAFİYA XÜSUSİYYƏTLƏRİ. Azərbaycan Oftalmologiya Jurnalı. 25 (Oct. 2017), 22–27.

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