Açar sözlər:
pterygium, conjunctival autograft, fibrin glue, mini-SLETXülasə
Thus, the Autograft surgery performed by the Pterigyum fibrin glue allows for a shorter period of operation, a
shorter recovery time and diminishes the postoperative dyspnoea of the patient. However, this operation itself has
some probabilities of complications. In addition to the possibility of complications such as graft scarring, necrosis
and infection of the skull, Dellen, sclera necrosis, it can also create a hindrance for future anticoagulants and some
such surgeries. In this regard, the MINI SLECT MODEL helps reduce these probabilities. Thus, the biopsy taken
from the upper extremity larger than the graft instead of a 2-3 mm would not hinder future antiglaukomatous
operations, as well as the same procedure.
Thus, MINI SLET has the potential to overcome a number of obstacles in pterygium surgery surgery.